I am the site owner and administrator.
Due to the lack of ability to collaborate with other developers, Project Shadow Van Buren will never be completed. I know all the all of 1 reader of my website these days will be saddened by my lack of updates.
However, I will one day build something much more interesting! Unfortunately, I am not much of a programmer anymore. These days I\'ve mostly been focused on writing things and...
1405 comment(s)
/ kgarricks
/ Infrosoft Blog
/ on November 19, 2011 at 20:24
I will be going on a hiatus from programming. Well, at least programming for my projects. I will be participating in the FIRST robotics competition, where I will be assisting in programming for my team. Project Van Buren in particular will be on hold as all the artists and programmers working on it are also in FIRST.
Granted I\'m sure nobody actually reads this thing. I don\'t particularly...
239 comment(s)
/ kgarricks
/ Infrosoft Blog
/ on January 18, 2011 at 19:40
Announcing: Project Van Buren
Project van Buren is the first attempt I have made to properly make a game, and I will be working with another person to make it. It is based upon the tabletop RPG Shadowrun. It will be set in a post apocalyptic cyberpunk world. It will use parts of the Shadowrun Suite which is still in development.
Hopefully we do far more well on it than I\'ve done on other projects.
Since this project...
1080 comment(s)
/ kgarricks
/ Infrosoft Blog
/ on January 3, 2011 at 21:35
Infroportal is a content management system that provides a basic, bare-bones site interface for those that want a light, reliable content management system for their website.
Infroportal Features:
PHP/MySQL Interface
A basic news, page, links, and downloads interface
Simple, customizable template
Functional implementation of Jon Petrosky's FlatForum
Single user...
149 comment(s)
/ kgarricks
/ Projects
/ on December 29, 2010 at 18:10
New Site
After a long hiatus Infrosoft has been redesigned (yet again), and reworked from uselessly broken from utter disinterest to nice and minimalistic thanks to SiteFrame Beaumont (however dated it may be. In fact Beaumont is old enough that I cannot use the latest version of Smarty to make it work).
I will be putting in some of my old software projects as well as adding some new ones. I won\'t...
170 comment(s)
/ kgarricks
/ Infrosoft Blog
/ on December 29, 2010 at 17:59
Shadowrun 3rd Edition Utility (v0.01 Alpha)
The Shadowrun 3rd Edition Utility is meant to provide gamemasters with an easy means to manage their games without need for pen and paper. It is simple, easy to use, and follows core rules as much as possible
This utility is able to:
Roll as many six sided die as desired
Apply the Rule of Six
Count the number of successes based on a target number, and return -1 on...
204 comment(s)
/ kgarricks
/ Projects
/ on December 29, 2010 at 14:46